Implementing Executor Service in Java
When you want to get the data from the various services and make the service calls concurrently.
ExecutorService executors = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); //creats the thread pool of size 2
//Using method reference
Callable<Map<Integer, String>> service1cal= service1::getData;
//Using lamda expression
Callable<List<SomeBean>> service2cal= ()-> {
Future<Map<Integer, String>> service1f= executors.submit(service1cal);
Future<List<SomeBean>> service2f= executors.submit(service2cal);
Map<Integer, String> service1datamap=service1f.get(); //its a blocking statement ,it will make the main thread to wait until its ex
List<SomeBean> service2list=service2f.get();